Sunday, October 12, 2008


We love to get submissions from other beleagured twentysomethings. Please put what you are submitting in the title of your email to us [ex. "6-Word Memoir"]. We are also open to submissions other than our own categories, like limericks.

You can include your first name, first and last name or submit as anonymous. Be mindful of disclosing too much personal information; you might want to change names or locations. We'll notify you if we're posting your submission so you can brag to your friends.

What do you get for submitting? Pride alone, my friend. And a bit of web traffic, maybe- include your name/blog URL if you want us to link you.

How do you pick what you use? We picked based on what we need and what we like. Hint: we like it if you can be laugh-out-loud funny AND poignant.

Our Features:

6-Word Memoir: Use exactly six words to give a snapshot of your life. Example: 6-Word Memoir of a Twentysomething Single Guy: "I'm not getting married until thirty."

You Know You're Twentysomething When...: Finish this one sentence.

Photos From the Field: Send us a picture that sums up, in a single shot, what your twentysomething life is like.

Dream Jobs Debunked: Do you have a job that other twentysomethings might be jealous of? Write in and tell us why it actually kind of sucks.

Fake Grownups: Essays/stories about the challenges and blunders of pseudo-adulthood and why there is no way you could rightfully be considered a grown-up.

Lists: Make us a list, any list. Example: Things I Am Doing With My English Degree and then list things like living in your parents' basement and working on your novel.

Is It Just Me Or...?: Finish this question with any of your real questions. For example, is it just us or does every twentysomething buy the same groceries? [seriously- store brand cereal, beer, whatever granola bars are on sale...]

Once you submit to us, we reserve the right to use your submission for the purposes of this site. [We don't plan to do anything else with it, but we figured we should add this addendum because we're twentysomethings and can't afford to be sued over rights management.]