Tuesday, October 27, 2009

6-Word Memoir of a Twentysomething Fashionista

"Urban" should mean "cheap," Urban Outfitters!

[Thanks Jen.]

Monday, October 26, 2009

fake grownup: brett

Real grownups don't move to New York City without a plan.

Alright, I had some illusions surrounding the train. It was more glamorous than the bus, more economical than flying.  I thought it would be romantic—a relic of a bygone era, like in the old black and white movies—jazz musicians and men in fedoras and sensible women reading fashion magazines.  It made me think of words like ‘rendezvous’ and ‘intrigue.’  What I found instead was a platoon of iPods at full volume, huge men who should have been required to pay for two tickets, and blatantly breastfeeding women.  It brought to mind phrases like ‘get me out of here’ and very specific and very attainable thoughts of homicide.

You Know You're a Twentysomething When...

you've been "studying for the GRE" for a year and a half.

[Thanks Jessica]

Lists: And By "English Major," I Mean...

dive-bar VIP
...where I smoke cloves and drink PBR, ironically
loyal Ryan Adams fan (Love is Hell changed my life, man)
wannabe New Yorker
unpublished writer of the next Great American Novel
a liberal, not a Democrat
wearer of plaid and American Apparel
mopey blogger

[Thanks Jared]

6-Word Memoir of a Twentysomething Girl with Bangs

Trim them yourself: ghetto but free.

You Know You're Twentysomething When...

. . . you consider, more than once and for more than a couple of seconds, if it would be okay just to eat around the mold on your hummus. What? That shit is expensive.


Photos From the Field: Laura

Passive-Aggressive roommates are a common indicator that you are, in fact, a twentysomething. And, perhaps, also messy.